Day 24 – Darobestja to Orshhamomo

10 August 2010

High point: The remoteness of the route. Bumping along down a dirt track that looks like she was made only for Martha. This is what she was made for and boy does it show. Boooo motorways, rejoice dirt tracks.

 Low point: Needing to set camp near the Russian border we were running out of road and day light. We tried different tracks coming off the main road but to no avail. In what felt like a scene from Danny The Champion Of The World, we attempted to hide our Fire Engine and tents deep onto a Kazakhstan famers field. This however isn’t that straight forward as we have a BRIGHT RED truck and at the time we were wearing BRIGHT YELLOW t-shirts. All worked out well and we settled in for some cracking food from the rations supply. Vestey foods have done a grand job of stocking the truck with tasty tasty boil in a bag nosh. Truly splendid. Beef stroganoff anyone ? 

The rain came after dinner so bed time was brought forward. Rain tap dancing on your tent is one of life’s real treats. The fear that 1 or more of Kazakhstan’s 90,000 wolves population was going to attack during the night, not such a treat.

No point: Dave was insistent that it was his turn during our 14th game of Risk. It turned out it was in fact my go.

Russian word of the day: Ab-nee-mee menya (Hug me)

Authors comments: 24 days ?? Nonsense, surely its been a 240 days by now ? So much fun on the road, but as expected there are times when you think your body can’t carry on. The weariness and shabbiness is however always negated by the open road, the complete randomness of events everyday and truly wonderful people you meet along the way. 

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2 Responses to “Day 24 – Darobestja to Orshhamomo”

  1. Wow very exciting following you and your fire engine. Well Done, keep going and keep safe.

  2. I spend every spare moment following! So proud of you all and Martha! ps wall came down today!!!! xx