High Point: Our traditional southwestern breakfast cooked by The Caskey family…. Who`d have thought that eggs and chilly could go together so well!
Low Point: Dinner is early in rural America… restaurants here are closed by 8pm which resulted in one very hungry and unhappy crew searching to find some food at 9pm.
No Point: Why are the boys having more showers than the girls? And what is a ‘strip wash’?
Burger Point: With the crew now weighted firmly towards the healthy-eating girls, the burger count has been officially closed with yours truly striding out in front with a massive 20 burgers consumed in 15 days. We need a new count now….? Read more →
High point: Reaching Bill Caskey’s farm after eight hours negotiating dicey roads through blizzards and ice on one of the most tricky drives in FTFE history. Thanks to Troy Caskey for being our guide and Guardian Angel
Low point: Leaving our new friends at Phoenix Fire Station and saying good bye to stage 7 crew legends Rob and Ben, we miss you already!
Snow point: Getting back into the cab and Martha sliding 5 inches down hill, icy conditions or too many burgers?
No point: Stocking up on cookies, Shelley from station 35 sent us on our way with enough cookies to feed a football team, for four weeks. Thank you!
High Point: Helicopter Flight over the Grand Canyon. Compliments of Grand Canyon Ranch we had a SPECTULAR start to the day dropping in over the West Rim in an awesome chopper. Wow wow wow wow, does it get much better or bigger? Our end of the Canyon is the narrowest but still HUGE at 14 miles wide. How big? Well the chopper pilot (let’s call him Stringfellow Hawk) pointed out what looked like a radio controlled helicopter, a great indicator of the vastness of this Canyon. Awesome times two.
Low Point: Landing in the chopper as Amy had just moments before recreating her now famous chunder on the cargo ship.
No Point: Waking up at 5.30am as we all got the time wrong (the Ranch operates the same time as Vegas)
Game Point: Team FTFE beating Phoenix Fire Department in a game of ping pong. Bosh.